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Sunday, November 26, 2017

CASE brush strokes and abstracts..


Happy Sunday, hubby and I are on the way to Atlantic City, I'm actually writing this post on the bus!

I saw this great card by Julie Ebersole, using her stamps for Ellen Hutson -

I realised that I had some similar products (brushstrokes by Simon Says Stamp and landscape textures by Neat & Tangled). So I thought I'd have a play.

I'm pretty pleased with both cards. I actually dug out the few pigment inks that I have, so I'd get really rich and bright colours.

The first card I made was the bottom one, I really love the rich colours and the Misti made it super easy to do, I actually left the brushstroke stamp in one position and moved the paper. The sentiment on this one is a mix of a great stamp by Waffle Flower and a Tim Holtz sticker. I added a few enamel dots to finish it off

I decided to get all brave with the top card and only use a few brushstrokes and add in more of the abstract elements. I like it, feels like I could stamp happy birthday inside...

Fun cards to make, quite time consuming for 2 cards, but totes worth it.



  1. Your cards are fab. Enjoy Atlantic City!

  2. Love these! I am totally enamored of that Julie Ebersole card and am totally planning to CASE it too. :)


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