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Sunday, September 24, 2017

CAS challenges: Big Dill....


Happy Sunday.

Hubby and I have been watching NONSTOP NFL today since about 9.30am EST,hence why this post is so late!!

I had great fun as GDT for CASology and I was looking forward to being able to play along this week. The cue card is perfect this week -

The Big Dill stamp set by Sweet Stamp Shop (retired) has been on my desk since I bought it for JT and I earlier this year, this was the perfect opportunity to get him inky.

This meant I was focusing on the word instead of a 'Big' thing or image and I love a great pun.

I coloured the Pickle's using Promarkers and to make it all pop a bit, but to keep the CAS feel I used my fave Big Dots embossing folder by Sizzix.

Because I love him so much, I am also entering him into the CAS on Sunday Challenge this week - use a die-cut on your card. My 'Dill' and his jar of friends was die-cut using the dies that match the stamp set.



  1. Bwahaha! i love this! Brilliant pun and I love the textured background!

  2. Awesome card, Claire! Thanks for playing along with us at CASology this week!

  3. Brilliant! I love a good pun too and your embossed background shows him off perfectly x

  4. Gorgeous take on the cue!! And perfectly CAS!! Thanks so much for sharing with us at CASology!! Anna xo

  5. OH, wow. A talking pickle. How amazing is that. Love your punny card.
    Thanks so much for playing along at CASology this week.

  6. I love this little pickle. He's one of my more recent favourites. Hilariously I saw this on your blog, forgot to comment and then saw it n the CAS-on-Sunday thumbnails and thought, hey, wait, I know that guy! Pickles. Always fun. Unless they're not really pickles x

  7. Go Claire! You're on a roll! This is a fun card.


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