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Thursday, August 3, 2017

ICAD17: Week 8


So here is week 8 of ICAD. This was a hard week for me, with the loss of Archie and the last thing I made before all of that was the Adjective card..

Bizarre summed up my week at that point, little did I know :(

I was torn between the Zombies card and Sepia as my faves..but ended up going with Sepia. 

I love this card, it's so not my style, but I really love it and the 'Sepia' tones you see I created with bronze distress paint and a baby wipe!

I'll show you week 9 over the weekend, but if you want a sneaky peek go here and look at all 61 of my cards.


1 comment:

  1. Wow, another stunning set. It must still feel so raw about losing Archie, I still have Flop's ashes on my sideboard, it takes a long time to adjust to them not being there anymore x


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