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Saturday, May 20, 2017

Sketch Saturday #464..Vicky Gets Blue Hair..


Welcome to another super Sketch Saturday.

Our sponsor this week is Crafty Sentiments Designs and they are offering a prize of 3 digis from their store.

Here is the sketch.

I decided to use Vicky and Violet, for some reason I really wanted her hair to be bright blue - I combined 3 shades of blue Promarkers to get the tone I had imagined!! I am very pleased with it, even it is a bit out there!!

I decided to use the colours from Vicky to choose the colour scheme for my card, I went with another piece of the great textured Dovecraft paper and die-cut coordinating blue strips, using Sizzix border dies. I stamped my sentiment (by Papermania) onto one of the strips and mounted them behind Vicky.

It was such a simple card to make..another accidentally bright card :)

Your turn to show us what you make with the sketch, but first check out what the rest of the DT have made over at Sketch Saturday.

Challenge ends 26 May 7pm GMT / 2pm EST



  1. Love this love this card. I want blue hair too. Don't think worl would approve though. Meanies. Cara x

  2. I love her, she looks great with blue hair! Your textured little wavy banners are inspired, I like the detail behind her. I love seeing how you work with these sketches, you always do such a different take on them x


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