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Monday, April 24, 2017

Happy Weekend...


Happy Monday to you all.

The weather is very Spring like today in NYC, making me all smiley and happy.

I had a great weekend, starting with dinner at a friends on Friday, then Lisette came and helped me tame the closet beast on Saturday. She is a drill sergeant and I purged A LOT of stuff, some things I have been 'holding' on to since we moved from London?! The weekend closed out nicely with a playdate with the craftgang and some hang time with Hubby.

My card today I actually made whilst I was on sick leave. I bought a grab bag of stuff from Pink Fresh Studio and all the stickers that you see were in the bag.

I started out with the embossed large dots background and then die-cut the word happy onto some black cardstock and then die-cut it out using a bubble die, I added the white dots and a piece of pink card behind the word to make it pop.

Before mounting it onto my card I added a few of the stickers from one of the sets in the grab bag.

I elected for 'weekend' as I thought it would make a fun card to send to a friend.

I used to use this embossing folder all the time, I need to break it out more, it gives a great simple texture to cards.


1 comment:

  1. Great card and I love the embossing folder, even if it does make me want to play with Lego! Cara x


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