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Saturday, February 18, 2017

Kim Dellow CASE...


I saw a great Pinterest card by Kim Dellow that I totally had to CASE.

I really love Kim's work and I thought this card would make a great set for a friend.

I tore pages out of a thesaurus that I bought for using in Mixed Media projects and I created a giant watercoloured background, so I could punch out the flowers (using a Stampin Up punch).

I drew in all the details for the flowers using a .3mm letraset pen.

All the backgrounds were either created using stencils, geli plates or background stamps. And of course I snuck in a tag version...

The sentiment and the awesome die are by Neat & Tangled and I affixed the awesome to all the cards using staples.

Super easy to make and fun to do, it felt like playing in my art journal.

I love how different each card is.

Here is a close-up so you can see the details.

Here are the rest of the cards - 6 in total.

 I love it when a Pinterest CASE works out even better than expected..



  1. Girl, YOU are awesome! These rock! I love those flowers - even more so knowing you drew them yourself. I need to get braver about trying mixed media stuff because I love how it looks. And I just added Kim Dellow to my Feedly so thanks for that! :)

  2. Great set, I love that you bought a thesaurus just for media projects. Great stamping/stencilling and use of those watercolored flowers. Really nice finishes x


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