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Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Bugaboo Holiday Chaos.. Day 3


Again I am doing two posts in one day, but I really want to play along with all the days in the Bugaboo Holiday Chaos challenge, so you might see me do this a couple of times this week.

Day 3 Gift Tag using red and white stripes

I decided to mount my gift tag onto a card blank.

I used a mini santa by Bugaboo that I have had for ages (I don't think that they still sell him), I thought he would be perfect on my tag, especially as he has a candy cane, so fits the striped requirement. I coloured him using Promarkers and Stickles.

The tags are my new dies by Lil Inker - gorgeous right?! I thought the green and the red spotty paper went well together and popped out against the striped background.

I stamped the fun 'Santa says you were naughty' sentiment by Unity Stamp Co at the top of my tag. I also punched a hole and added an eyelet and some ribbon to make sure that my tag felt like a gift tag, despite being on a card front.

I love tags, I love buying ready made ones and customising them and I love tag dies, but as these are usually expensive I don't have many of them.

Come back later for the latest Retro Rubber challenge..



  1. Such a darling tag. The Santa really pops! Thanks for joining our Holiday Chaos at Catch The Bug.

  2. Love the santa with the layered tags, really nice. You do love a tag. I like your fussy cut santa though, he looks great. x

  3. Beautiful job on your tag, love that Santa! Thanks for joining Holiday Chaos tag challenge, good luck! Dawn Bugaboo DT


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