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Monday, June 20, 2016

Double Challenge Fun..


Hope you all had a fun weekend.

I am happy to back in NYC..Last week was fun in London, but rather hectic!

I thought I'd enter two challenges with one card today...

Simon Says Wednesday Challenge (Animal Magic) and the Shopping Our Stash Challenge (#256 Create a Polaroid Scene).

I thought they worked really well together.

I decided to use my dug SSS Cuddly Critter stamps, I stamped them first and then die-cut them out using a Kaisercraft Polaroid die. I coloured them using Promarkers.

I cut another Polaroid shape out of corrugated card to frame the Critters.

Finally I stamped and die-cut the sentiment - both are by SSS.

I love it, so simple and I already have a recipient in mind.

Have a great day.



  1. Cute little frame device, those animals are so sweet, don't know that I've seen them before? Nice use of the corrugated card man. x Jessie

  2. Ha! I signed this comment. Like you didn't know LOL

  3. Hi Claire: Darn it, I didn't have a chance to see your adorable little selfie until this morning, arghh!! I was out all day yesterday with my grandkids, took them to the pool and then, we came home and they stayed here all day, sheeesh!!
    But I love, love your card Claire, super cute little critters and I'm so happy you participated in this challenge, just in the nick of time, LOL!!
    Thank you and I hope to see you back in the Shopping Our Stash gallery again and again.

  4. yepper, animals + polaroids are the PERFECT way to rock the challenge two-fer... especially when the card in question comes out as adorable as this! thanks for SHOPPING YOUR STASH with us this week! ♥

  5. Guys look so touching. They are as the best friends unique but so similar. :)

  6. Aww those to are just so cute and make a brilliant little photo. Cara x


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