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Sunday, May 1, 2016

Use those embellishments...


Welcome to May!!

How on earth did that happen and why is it still cold!!

Before I left for London I had a play with a new Neat & Tangled stamp - Punchinella. 

I used the technique of inking the stamp, spritzing with water and then stamping, I've said it a hundred times, but as much as I love this technique it always makes me feel nervous..

I love the results of these two and die-cut them using a Memory Box rounded rectangle die.

The colours triggered a I went through my embellishment box, which sadly I do not visit as often as I should. I found the two embellishments you see on my cards today, I vaguely remembered them and thought they would work on these cards.

I can't resist buying embellishments on it just me or do we all do this?

The main card went to a work colleague who is leaving for pastures new. I used my new Stampin' Up washi tape punch and stamped one of the great Clearly Besotted mini messages sentiments (the best stamp set EVER).

The card below makes me smile. The embellishment is just SO big LOL.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

For you English that have tomorrow off, I am sticking my tongue out at you.



  1. Love the backgrounds, fab colours. I shall enjoy relaxing with my feet up tomorrow #rubbing your nose in it! Cara x

  2. Love the colors you used on the punchinello stamp Claire! This is a great way to use up those embellishments too :)

  3. I think the patterned paper makes it really stand out - I sometimes feel like embellishments can take the hard work out of crafting but I think you make these totally your own x


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