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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

WOYWW #358...Fun at the retreat and President Clinton...


Happy WOYWW.

Yes, it is that time quickly the week's whip by..

Wednesday's are when we join Julia over at her blog Stamping Ground for a weekly global desk nosy.

My desk this week is blah..because I was away all weekend, so it's just got my work keyboard and mouse on it..creating will be happening tonight - promise!

As some of you know, I spent the last weekend in Providence at Jenn Shurkus' loft art retreat. As usual it was a lot of fun, my companion for the weekend was Cheiron and she is an absolute hoot. If you are in NYC and can get to the Inkpad, she teaches there, you should check her out.

We made 15 cards...

It was a long day, but lots of fun, my table was a riot and as always I learnt some new tips and tricks.

Now about President Clinton. Remember that I was supposed to teach at the local community on Monday? was cancelled because President Clinton was visiting the centre?! So I waited, saw him, shook his hands and complained to him about the disruption to my plans..for which he apologised..Now that's how to spend your days off :)

See you later for a desk nosy.



  1. OMG so cool that you got to see President Clinton! I've always wanted to attend Jenn's Loft Art retreat. Perhaps next time I can join you and Cheiron as Providence is only about an hour and a half for me to drive! xo Crystal

  2. Oh my gosh Claire, how amazing you got to see President Clinton!!! thank you for this awesome photo, I'm sure you are having a blast. Enjoy!!

  3. How inconsiderate of him! Please mess up your desk, the tidiness is scaring me, hope it's not contagious. Looks like you had a fun but productive weekend. Cara x

  4. That is quite a haul of cards, and all in one day! I am impressed!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #44

  5. Wow sounds like you had a wonderful time at your retreat. You made a wonderful lot of cards.

    Have a great week
    Sharon K #36

  6. That's a great batch for one weekend! Impressed you've metbMr Clinton a Brit that is pretty cool! Elaine no. 51

  7. What a nice variety of cards. And it was nice of Pres Cliton to apologize for messing up your plans!!

  8. LOL So funny about complaining to him for disrupting your plans. LOL And that he apologized. Great humor. ;-) Nice collection of cards. An art retreat sounds fabulous! I'd love to gather with other like-minds and play for a couple of days. Creative Blessings! Kelly #43

  9. Looks like you had a blast at the retreat and I'm not worried about the pocket letter I know how long they can take to make looks like you had a fun time shaking ex presidents hand hugs Nikki 5

  10. Fun idea to photograph your desk - I don't think I'm brave enough to attempt that! The cards you made at your retreat are so wonderful! I hope you will post more of those individually for us to see up close. As far as President Clinton goes, I have heard from friends of mine that he just oozes charisma so you being able to come up to him and then complain about your class just made me giggle. Only you, Ms. Claire! LOL Cherish the memory (like I cherish mine with President Carter)!

  11. I did not see this when I was here, so thank you for pointing it out, Claire! Wow, how awesome to meet a President! No matter what you're politics are, it would be awesome to be able to be in the same room, let alone shake hands with and talk to one!! As impressive as that is, between you and me, I was more jealous of your fun retreat! I wanted to BE at that table with you fun and funny ladies! And your card makes are fantastic! You rock!! Hugs, Darnell PS thanks, too, for the head's up about Retro Rubber. I even had it on my list and then spaced it!


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