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Sunday, April 17, 2016

Loft Art Retreat...number 3


So as you know I attended my third loft art retreat last weekend.

I did show a photo of all the cards from the loft art retreat earlier in the week, but I wanted to show you a couple of them in more detail and tell you a bit more about the weekend.

Cheiron was my road trip buddy, she drove and organised the hotel, we had a lot of fun. We had the day off on Friday and left early, so we could shop and hang out with some of the ladies..
We pulled off the road near New Haven and did a taco crawl - we ate one taco every truck - well six of them..
Friday was busy, we shopped, had drinks, ate dinner with Jenn and another friend.

Saturday was great fun, we started the day with a trip to our fave diner and then off to Jenn's for a serious session..15 cards in one day is no mean feat, especially when they are as detailed as the ones we made. It was great to see some familiar faces and of course Mister Harley and Chris.
The class was excellent, I learnt a couple of new tricks including how to apply glitter to the card / object and not myself LOL. I also meant a few more cool people, that I will definitely be keeping in touch with.

We had a nice relaxed dinner and then after saying goodbye to everyone Cheiron and I popped to Target for a late night shop and then went bowling!! Ha ha ha.

Sunday, we took it easy, went for breakfast at Cracker Barrel because I have never been there and then we headed home..with a few coffee stops.

It was a fun trip and always lovely to spend quality time with Cheiron.

I chose to show you these cards because they stretched me a bit.

The adorable Lumberjack (stamps by Neat & Tangled) card is essentially one layer, all the wood circles are stamped directly onto the card blank - eek!

I never feel comfortable doing that..but this came out really well.

This next card was supposed to have a shaker element in the top right corner, but one of the ladies on my table messed up her shaker, so I gave her my frame, as I have the dies. My intention was to make it when I got home/

Then I thought I really liked it as it was, but was missing something, so I added some sequins.

It felt a bit naughty not finishing the card as Jenn had intended, so that was a stretch for me..I normally do as I am told when taking a class.

I love the Mermaid glad I bought the stamp set by Newton's Nook...Mermaids..another thing I love.


1 comment:

  1. Yep, still jealous! Love the photomontage and who is the cute kitty that snuck in there? Looks like you worked hard whilst having all that fun! Cara x


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