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Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Being with you is so much fun...


I have recently been going through my digital stamps and printing out the ones that I haven't used in a while..

They have been fun to colour whilst I have been traveling.

Today's card is a Tiddly Inks stamp - I am a sucker for the Wryn and friends range. This one is called Scooting by and it comes with a dog and a cat version.

I have a friend Denise, who like me has furbabies instead of real babies..She is a lot of fun and this image made me think of her scooting around in the San Diego sunshine :)

So I mounted the die-cut panel onto the beautiful heart card blank - by American Crafts..they come in several colours.

I added a great sentiment from a Hero Arts set and then went over the image using a wink of stella clear brush pen.

Cute card for my fun loving friend.


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