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Sunday, March 20, 2016

Alien birthday....


Hope you are having a great weekend so far.

Following on from Friday's card that used my new Paper Smooches 'Space Cadet' set, I thought it would be fun to show you how I have already started to 'stretch' this stamp set.

Alien's don't just have to be for little boys..they can be for girls and adults too :)

I used two additional stamp sets here, both by Simon Says Stamp - the balloons came from the 'Birthday Bits' set and I drew in the string, the sentiment came from the 'Square Sayings' set.

I like the fact that my shiny new Marine Promarker matches an ancient Dewdrop turquoise ink...random.

Fun to utilise many stamp sets on one card. It's a great reminder of how with a little imagination you can create a lot of things.



  1. A really cute card, I agree Alien's aren't just for space geeks! How funny that the ink and pro marker matched up, small world. Cara x

  2. Hehe, so cute! I have no aliens in my stamp collection, I must remedy that ;)


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