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Thursday, November 5, 2015

Stencil playtime..


So as you know I love stencils.

When my friend Denise was visiting she really wanted to have a play with stencils, so we broke them out and I ended up with 3 stencilled backgrounds.

I cut them down and ended up with 4 card sized pieces.

The main card uses distress stains and because they were quite juicy, I got the great blended effect that you can see. To finish off this card, I die cut the sentiment and heat embossed the happy.

The next 2 cards use the same stencilled background - a recent bargain find at The InkpadNYC - again using distress stains. I used a birthday stamp that the lovely Darnell sent me for my birthday and the Happy dies are by Wplus9.

My final card uses a fave Simon Says Stamp stencil that I have had for ages and this time I used distress inks in 3 colours to create a vignette of colour. I am a bit sad that my happy doesn't pop as much as I wanted it to..I might need to attempt a fix here..

I love playing with Stencils and the Online Card Class I did really helped me to use them in more varied ways.

Don't forget that you still have time to play along with the latest Moving Along With The Times challenge - Leaves and Trees. Challenge ends on Weds 11th Nov.


1 comment:

  1. Oh Wow! these are all fab Claire! Love the background on the first one… I can imagine so many scenes…. lights in a forest, frosted glass… etc… (I have a very vivid imagination! Lol )
    and love the bright and cheery colours on the other cards.
    Hmm… just realised I've never tried stencilling… might have to have a go soon… I have quite a few stencils that I've never used!!! why do I buy things and then take years to use them!! :-)
    Hope you have a great day!
    Big hugs Sue B xx


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