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Saturday, November 14, 2015

Crafty Christmas...


Hope you are having a good weekend so far. 

Today I am at the Science Museum with my Niece, Nephew, SIL and MIL - family time - yay!

Now from the title of my post, you might think I was referring to 'getting crafty' - nope. I'm actually talking about 'being crafty / sly'.

I HATE making Christmas cards, I find it utterly last year I decided to try and figure out why I feel this way..

I realised it's making them ALL the same that bores me.

So last year, I started making cards around Sept in batches of 2-4 - by the time I got to the end of Nov, I 'accidentally' had all the cards I needed - genius move.

This year I have applied the same logic, along with a new ethos - everything in my stash is fair game to become Christmas cards..

As I write this post, I have 70 cards ready to go (I know bonkers large list..but I love sending cards and every time I try and 'clean' my list I end up adding more people LOL..) + 5 special makes for the Chosen Ones..

Today, I am showing you 3 of the cards I have made.

The main photo is a shaker (yay! for Fuse pouches) and is one of the 'special makes' - I used a Lawn Fawn stamp and cut him out, so the sequins and beads in the shaker look like snow. The sentiment is a new die (it was on sale...honest)

The next card (also a 'special make') uses a piece of texture paste stencilling that I made a while ago and thought it would make a great backdrop for my Reindeer.

The die is a freebie and I die-cut it in Vellum, but then it didn't really show up, so I heat embossed it! Still not popping out as I wanted, so I added the thread and it worked...that is a new thing for me and it made me very nervous..

The stamp was a freebie too.

My final card uses a Stampin' Up Critter stamp and because she is holding a banner, I decided she would work for Christmas. 

I die cut the oval using MFT stitched oval dies and stamped it using the amazing Tsukineko gold ink that came in my Oct SSS cardkit.

The sparkly tape is by My Mind's Eye.

3 very different cards, but they were fun to make and I have actually been enjoying Christmas Cards!! 

Goal achieved!



  1. Great cards! Great idea, to make them all the same is really daunting.

  2. Oh what gorgeous cards Claire!! the first one is very cute and love the pretty shaker element… and love the overall concept of the 2nd card… the background and the thread give the impression of ice… really cool effect! and the final card is very sweet! love the cute little Christmas bunny with her banner!! :-)
    I hate making cards the same too… if I do make few the same, then I always change the colour combo or papers so they have a different look... otherwise I would get very bored! I love my variety! Lol
    Hope you have a great weekend!
    Big hugs, Sue B xx

  3. These are all wicked, I love the broadening of what counts as Christmas. It's great to see critter holding signs has made the short list. That headline card is stunning though. Love the shaker and the stamp and the die and basically all of it. x


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