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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Exciting times ahead...


Update: Now with photos :)

Do you remember a few weeks ago, I mentioned I had some big news?

Well, I have a new job and I am heading home to London tonight, to spend 4 days with my parents before spending 2 weeks in the London office.

Yay! Exciting, challenging times ahead.

Fun part of my shiny new job is initially I get to go home once a month..It also means that I will be working with JT again, which is amazing!

There is one downside to all of this and that is packing for 2.5 weeks for a trip that is a mix of business and pleasure..

I'm not a bad packer, but I really needed some help this I consulted Pinterest and I decided that packing cubes might be the way forward.

As I will be staying in 4 different places, I didn't want to rummage through my suitcase repeatedly looking for what I needed.

Packing cubes mean that I can pack by item type - meaning I only pull out the cubes I need.

Once I packed my cubes, I realised that I needed to indicate what was where...time to get crafty :)

I made little word labels on my computer and cut these and some decorative (American Crafts) papers to the right size and inserted these pairs into label laminator pouches. I ran all of them through my lamintor, punched a hole and added some suede cord.

Easy to make and very useful - I love it when I get to use crafty skills for practical items.

Here is a shot of them on the cubes (before they went into my suitcase.



  1. I can't see the photo but that sounds handy!! Good luck with your new job Claire!!

  2. Photo???? Lol you must have much to do at the moment...have a good flight and congrats on the job,hugs Carole Z X


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