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Thursday, June 18, 2015

Moving Along With The Times..Song Lyric..


We are back with another great challenge over at Moving Along With The Times. This week it is time for Team B and the Lovely Lena is our hostess. Her theme is Song Lyric..

Lena wants us to chose a line or a verse from our favourite songs and bring it to life. She is also offering a prize to the lucky winner..

I was a bit stuck for inspiration initially, but then Hubby and I heard a Bobby Vee song in a shop the other day and it reminded me of 'The Night has a Thousand Eyes", so I started singing it and Hubby suggested it would work for my card if I used a ton of googly eyes..

Now Hubby doesn't join in my craft world very often, but when he does, boy is he right!

So you can see my card - tons and tons of googly eyes. It was quite hard to stick the sentiment to the eyes, so it looks a bit wonky, which I think suits the quirky nature of the card..

Here's a little close-up for you -

So now it's your turn..but first pop over to MAWTT and check out all the great creations by my teammates.



  1. Oh My Goodness this is genius!!!! What a laugh I had when I saw it, amazing!!! Love Hazel xx

  2. DUDE. This makes me so happy. The eyes are just everywhere! I love it. xx

  3. This made me smile - widely!!! Love it and I reckon it could easily be adapted for Halloween too, hugs Carole Z X


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