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Friday, January 9, 2015

Colour Throwdown NBUS...

Happy Friday Everyone!

I am a touch sad, as Lemon has left...but we have our Israel trip to look forward to, so its not all bad.

I really wanted to enter a challenge this week and remembered 2 in particular had made me get itchy craft fingers..

The wonderful Darnell's 3rd NBUS (Never Before Used Schtuff) and Color Throwdown -

So I combined the 2 challenges to get today's main card..

Let's start with the NBUS and Darnell is going to love this, there is oodles of it :) The tag and heart dies, the red gelatos (for the distressed background), Bo Bunny It is written stamp for the text and the black enamel dot.

All of my NBUS is from either Black Friday or Christmas..

I am really eager to make tags this year and I am going to be attempting Tim Holtz's 12 Tags of 2015. I saw this great tag on Pinterest and I liked the techniques so I did a bit of a CASE.

First I cut and embossed my tag - yep the hearts are embossed - cool right?

I then smeared red and pink gelatos onto my craft mat and then spritzed this with water, I smushed (technical term) the tag into it and dried it with a heat tool. I used the text stamp over the top of the dry tag in a contrasting red ink. I stenciled over this in black and grey and finally to make the embossing pop, I smudged red gelato around the raised hearts.

For the final touches I added ribbon, a punched embossed heart and the sentiment with a black enamel dot.

I love the flash of white to fit the CDT theme.

The whole tag is technique heavy, but I love it, such a wonderfully different Anniversary card.


  1. Great tag Claire! Love the card! Hazel x

  2. Fab tag Claire! Love it! Hugs Carole Z xx

  3. Fantastic tag Claire. Love the textured tag with those sweet hearts. Thank you for playing along with us at The Color Throwdown. :)

  4. How funny, I just swung by CTD to see their colors, saw your post and thought what a fun idea! You know I'm weirdly phobic of tags so this is really blowing me away, I love all the texture you've got in there. Great final piece, it's super modern and gorgeous. x

  5. Hey, Claire! Happy New Year! Great job on your tag! I love all the wonderful embossing texture and the colors are perfect for an anniversary card! I think you are going to do a great job with Sir Timmy's Tags for 2015 and I'm very proud of you for tackling it! Thank you so much for joining in my NBUS Challenge #3!! Mwah! Darnell

  6. Wonderful tag!! Love all your NBUS using the CTD colors!! Thxs for playing with us!!

  7. Love your smushed tag as the focal point...looks like it was fun to create! So glad you were able to play along with us at Color Throwdown!


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