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Saturday, December 6, 2014

Scrappy embossed cards...


So I am super excited as JT and I are having a Skype Playdate tomorrow..I have been missing her a LOT recently, so it will be fun to catch-up for a few hours. Also we have done our usual $20 challenge, so we will be comparing notes on the booty we ended up with.

Today I have 4 cards for you - they are super simple and were inspired by some pieces of paper I had cut up - you know one of those sheets that comes with lots of sentiments?

I had 4 Thank You's from my sheet, so I decided to challenge myself.

Make 4 cards using only scraps and 2 other items!

Challenge accepted!!

Recently I have been neglecting my enormous embossing folder collection, so I chose that as 1 of my other items and I went with adhesive pearls from Michaels, as the 2nd item.

I found 12 scraps (3 per card) that co-ordinated with the thank you's, then I rummaged through my paper drawers and came up with 2 already embossed papers that worked. I chose 2 more embossing folders and embossed 2 more pieces of paper.

I wanted all the cards to have a layered effect and to feel quite modern.

The main card was the first one and my fave. I used a notepaper folder by Darice and all the scraps except the corrugated card are by American Crafts. Look closely and you'll see the pale pink paper has been embossed with a Cuttlebug zig zag stitch folder. The corrugated card is by DCWV.

Here are the other x3 cards -

Card 2
Card 2 uses a tricky Sizzix flower embossing folder, the spotty paper was gift from JT and yes I found the butterfly in my 'black' scrap box. Once again the corrugated card is by DCWV.

Card 3
Card 3 has a bit of a masculine feel. I added the piece of burgundy card for a pop of colour. The embossing folder is JT's and she is kind enough to emboss stacks of things and send them to me..hint hint almost out of these ones love! The papers are all by Michaels.

Card 4
Card 4 makes me smile - the checkerboard embossing folder worked so well here with the silver card. The papers are all by Michaels and the pale pink and grey papers have also been embossed (I found them like that in their scrap boxes).

It was a great way to play with some neglected stash - following my Retro Rubber ethos here. I am also really enjoying working with just scraps.



  1. Those are all beautiful - the last my favorite. Love the pinks and greys!!

  2. Fab cards with your paper scraps Claire, great colour combos! Hugs Carole Z xx

  3. OMG. FIrst: I love that you set yourself a really complicated challenge. Second: Great idea for using scraps and getting some funky layers and patterns in here. Third: I recognize some of those embossed backgrounds - very clever use! Finally: Number 3 is my favorite but they are all fab. x


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