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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

WOYWW #279..Post Number 200...


I can't believe it - I have posted 200 times in 2014!! This was a goal set for me, by me, for no real reason other than trying to see if I could do it.

I try and do 5 posts a week - generally during the week - because I am making the stuff for the posts over the weekend :)

Anyway, super pleased with myself - now on to WOYWW..time for the hop over to our wonderful hostess Julia's blog Stamping Ground to nose at desks, say hi to friends and have a bit of fun.

My desk this week is at peace...a stack of things from Michaels - card blanks,  Heidi Swapp mini stencils, x2 mat stacks - one corrugated, one canvas, both in bright colours..I feel an idea forming :) I treated myself to a self-inking stamp for the back of my cards - its on my desk and I am also using it as a watermark on my photos. There is also a glass of effervescent orange..I feel a lurgy coming...trying to head it off.

Here's a little card for you WOYWWer's made with one of the new Heidi Swapp stencils -

How cute is the stencil?! I like the smudgey chalkboard feel to it - I used Black Soot distress ink and a mini dauber. It needed an embellishment, so I added 2 hearts with a mini staple.

See you in the comment, nosying zone laters.



  1. Great stash additions ! Enjoy planning with them ! Ali #13

  2. Congratulations - how do you find time for crafting?! I love the effect of that stencil - and a great colour combo. Have a lovely week, Chris # 23

  3. Well done on your 200 posts challenge. I'm doing #'blogtoberfest14 which is to blog everyday of October - so far so good. Thanks for sharing your desk Anita #63 woyww

  4. Well done, 200 posts! I have no idea how many I have done.
    Thanks for sharing your desk with us and happy crafting, Angela x

  5. Congratulations on your 200 posts!
    Your desk look promising. And we got a little glimpse of you too in the screen reflection.
    Sorry I'm a day late but I had to watch the great British Bake Off final yesterday! (If you don't live in the UK you will have no idea what I am talking about...)
    Have a good week!

  6. Congrats on your 200 posts!!!! I still haven't checked how many I've done, but I know it's probably been my worst year from posting for some reason..great card, love the green and super stencil! hugs Carole Z X

  7. Wowzah, 200 posts! That's quite a lot, congrats with reaching your own-set goal, feels good isn't it? I love that I can see you in the picture (well, a bit of you) and the card is beautiful! Thanks for stopping at my blog/desk the other day, happy (belated) woyww, Marit #38

  8. Gratz on your posts! Enjoy you rnew stash (I haven't tried the HS stencils yet) and I hope you beat your lurgy...supposed to be a beautiful weekend (Peak colors here!) be terrible to feel off!

  9. Congratulations on the 200 posts! Hope you haven't succumbed to the lurgy. Unfortunately we've now entered the official Lurgy Season. Yours is the second annotated WOYWW post I've come across this week - I used to do them but not for ages - quite a lot of work to do, but such fun!! Love the runaway brayer, and the self portrait lol! You've got some great stash on your desk waiting to be used.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #32


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