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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

OCC Stenciled: Day 1...Inking and Masking


Hope you all had a fun long weekend. I spent lots and lots of time at my desk..being away from it for 2 weeks meant that my fingers were itching for a play!

I recently bought a new Online Card Class - Stenciled. As I really wanted to use my stencils more and in more creative ways.

There are x4 techniques in day 1 -

Sponging - This is a technique I use quite often. But what I don't normally do is get all brave and use x2 colours!! Debby also showed us how to heat emboss onto vellum, so you don't hide the gorgeous background. The main photo today is this technique and I am very pleased with my final card.

Misting - Meh! I like the idea of misting, but the reality of it is too messy for me. I didn't use multiple colours here, as per the class. Partly because I only have a few colours and I didn't think they worked together. I did try it and I have an oops to be shown at another time.

My card has come out well and I like the contrast of the stencil, the die and the stamped sentiment. The spots shouldn't be so blotchy, but I don't mind it so much.

Heat Embossing - Now I get the ink resist and heat embossing with stencils, but the blending of the background and then adding droplets of water was beyond me..even I can't show you this oops..So what did I decide to do..salvage what I could - hence a very simple card.

Heat Embossing
No more heavy blending or water droplets for me - know your limits!

Masking - I've done this before and I like the results. I kept this card simple, by using one stencil, I masked and rotated it. I am pleased with the results.

Masking and Rotating
Verdict? I loved day 1 - I don't love being covered in ink..but that's a personal thing :)

Supplies used:
Inks - Distress Inks (Iced Spruce, Evergreen Bough, Spiced Marmalade, Festive Berries, Dusty Concord, Mustard Seed), Versafine Onyx black, SSS Lipstick Red.
Heat Embossing - Versamark ink, Ranger heat tool, Stampendous Embossing Powders (grey and clear)
Mists - Fireworks Sweet Plum.
Stencils - Recollections Spots, Clear Scraps Spiral Dots, SSS Mosaic Heart, Tim Holtz Rays.
Sentiments - Pink Paislee, WPlus9, Penny Black.
Dies - Tag die by Marianne Creatables, Happy die by Craft Cutts.
Card blanks from Paper Presentation, white stock is Strathmore Mixed Media paper.
Any other embellishments from my stash.


1 comment:

  1. Waiting for my month end files, and I finally got to this!! Love the heating embossing heart...would love to see the "opps". Glad you shared this; as soon as we get Broadband in the spring I'll start it!)


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