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Friday, September 19, 2014

Friday Challenge...


All in all it has been a challenging week (sigh).

We did have a high point at the start of the week, as our friends were in town for a couple of days, oh and I discovered Cardio Box (LOVE)..which made it all a bit better.

To make it even better I made this entry for Retro Sketches #132 on Wednesday night -

I am quite pleased with my card - 2 pieces of NBUS!! The brand new digital stamp from Pink Petticoat and the little staples (like a Tim Holtz tiny attacher, only not!). The paper is a scrap by American Crafts. I added a sparkly sticker and embossed part of the card base for a bit of fun! The stamp is coloured using Promarkers and a Wink of Stella clear brush pen.

Great way to end the week..tomorrow I am off to the Spa for half a day, it is a birthday present from last year that one of my besties gave me and I haven't used it yet!

So now I have a big smile on my face and maybe the week wasn't that bad after all?



  1. Oh this is really sweet Claire… such a wonderful image and I love the embossing and pretty paper! perfect CAS! :-)
    Hope you enjoy the Spa tomorrow - and have a great weekend!
    Big hugs
    Sue xx

  2. Hi Claire, such a sweet card...I got this image too (of course, lol, never miss a new one from PP), love how you've coloured it..enjoy the spa and have a fun weekend...we having been emptying the old kitchen cabinets most of the day, lol, hugs Carole Z X

  3. Love that embossing straight on the card. Image is too cute as well. Enjoy the spa! x


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