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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

You're so cool...


I saw The Cutting Edge Challenge on Darnell's blog and decided to play along this week with #6..

You have to use the inspiration image as reference, it has to be obvious how.

I decided to use it as a sketch and kind of flipped it a bit. I used the SSS August Card Kit to make this card and added some bling from my stash. I wasn't sure about the stamp set at first, but now I have used it a bit its growing on me.

I did have a different card in my head, but I don't like it..however before it goes to card it is..

The reject
I don't like the ice-cream against the papers..too busy! I do like my heat embossing sentiment though.



  1. Love these summery cards Claire! Those ice lollies are really cool (oops excuse the pun!), super papers and sentiments too! Hugs Carole Z X

  2. Happy and fabulous card!! Thank you for playing along with us at The Cutting Edge :)


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