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Sunday, August 10, 2014

Super quick playdate...


Hope you are all having a good Sunday.

All is well here in NYC. JT and I had a brief playdate today. We had planned on making a challenge entry and had something specific in mind, but changed direction on the call!

We went with Color Throwdown and Freshly Made Sketches -

I am really happy with my card, the simplicity pleases me, as do the colours. I really love the SSS hey friend stamps. The papers are all by DCWV, the frame is by Dovecraft and the bling is from my stash.

What you can't see is the slight mistake...I made my card the wrong way round, so it opens matter..I am sure it will make the recipient smile.

As I am heading home next week, JT and I will get to see each other, but we won't be having a real life playdate..there just isn't enough time sadly.

JT has been working with her Big Ben stamp and as she gave me a scan of it, I am going to have a play too.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.



  1. I love the frame, great way to interpret that sketch. I didn't properly look at the greeting on the call, love that mixed font!

  2. This is a fab design Claire… love the scrummy colours and the sentiment looks perfect in the gorgeous frame!
    Hope you've had a great weekend!
    Big Hugs
    Sue xx

  3. What a great card Claire. Love the decorative frame piece out of the striped paper. Thank you for playing along with us at The Color Throwdown.

  4. I love that sentiment stamp - it looks so good framed in the stripey frame. Fabulous card! Thanks so much for joining us at Freshly Made Sketches.

  5. HI Claire, sorry I'm late commenting - it's those time zones again! I love this card - fab colours and that frame is fab - love the way you have used it with the sentiment. Hugs Carole Z X

  6. Your fun frame really sets of the "Hey friend"! They work so well together! Thank you for joining us at Freshly Made Sketches.

  7. Awesome frame, and cute card! Thanks for joining us for the Color Throwdown.

  8. So fun! Love the fabulous striped frame around the sentiment. Thanks for joining us at the Color Throwdown!


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