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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Card swap..


WOYWW introduced me to the wonderful SuperStampGirl..I love her work and Crystal is a really nice person too.

She recently invited me to join her card swap - which restarts in September.

I have been looking around for inspiration for the cards. JT and I were discussing what she is currently making and pulled out her Big Ben stamp, which sparked an idea in my head!

I am very pleased with my cards (I had to make 5 all the same). I imported the scan of the stamp into my Silhouette studio, making it less work for me (tools make me lazy for sure). The chevron, wiggly pig tail and hello are all by My Mind's Eye, set is called 'Hello!'. I added some black bling from AC Moore and voila! completed cards!!

So simple. Thanks JT!



  1. Love this use of the stamp - I am definitely going to case that....soon!

  2. These are fab Claire! Love the Big Ben stamp and the sentiment with the piggy tail and chevrons looks really cool ! :-)
    Hope you have a lovely evening!
    Big Hugs
    Sue xx


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