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Thursday, August 7, 2014

23 years and still going strong...


Today's card was made for a friend that I have had for 23 years!

We met at University and even though she is from Seattle and I am from London, we have remained firm friends.

Michelley now lives in Hawaii - yeah I dislike her a little bit for this too :) And recently she sent me a book - yes an actual book that I have not read and is totally me! I was overjoyed and I've found a couple of notes tucked inside it from her!

The card was inspired by Michelley as she is a fabulous painter..very talented. I on the other hand can 'paint by numbers' but freehand, drawing and stuff..nope, not me.

I used a stamp that is definitely NBUS and watercoloured it using an aquabrush and gelatos. I dried it with a heat tool and then painted some goosebumps texture spray over it. The sentiment is by American Crafts and I used a new Studio G the colour.

I am very lucky and have a really great group of friends - male and female, some are newer than others, but this doesn't really matter. They are all amazing and never fail to astonish me at how generous they are with their friendship.

It's always nice to make something special and unique for a good friend.



  1. That's awesome that you've been friends for so long (even though you're in different countries). I love the card and the way you've colored the scene. The colors are fab!

  2. Hi Claire, your card is your colouring. Isn't it great when you have such good friends even though you are separated by so many miles. My bestie from school days lives in Cumbria and we hardly get the chance to see each other, but we chat on the phone and when we do meet, we pick up where we left bestie from my first place of proper work, also of about 25 years has lived in Montreal for 10 years and as we used to see each other all the time, I still miss her so much...have been out to visit but I just wish she would Skype or at least FB! Hugs, Carole Z X


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