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Saturday, July 12, 2014

Something with wings...


Hope you are having a good weekend.

I am relaxing, working (boo) and watching the last games of the World Cup.

I loved the title of the I Love Promakers challenge #227 this week - 'Something with wings' it made me smile and as luck would have it, I have just finished making a whole batch of cards that feature wings!!

I made the main card and 3 others for my Ma, I am making cards for her to take to work for their birthdays..there have been some quibbles over what kind to buy :) I thought I'd solve that for her...

Anyway..I got the stamps free via Pinterest, I am not normally a fan of fairies or these kind of fantasy images, but I loved these.

They were fun to work with, I really enjoyed colouring them and then turning them into cards.

The main card is my favourite and the one I am entering into the challenge. I used a journaling card from a set by Lunch Box Love - I got a few on sale at Michael's, the sentiment was a freebie from a magazine, glitter glue on her wings and the Promarkers are :
Dress - Peony / Cerise
Butterflies - Peony / Island Lagoon
Skin - Ivory / Pale Pink
Wings - Daffodil Bloom / Fresh Meadow / Pink Mittens / Morning Mist
Hair - Ginger
Flowers - Cerise

Here are 2 of the other cards - also coloured with Promarkers.

Blue/Green Fairy
Yellow Fairy
For both I used Recollections papers, glitterglue on the wings, all other items from my stash.

Do you love my new bargain card stand that I got last night at TJ Maxx - I love it!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.



  1. Hi Claire, love your cards, gorgeous colouring! Loving the TJ (or TK as it is here, lol) Maxx stand - that's really cool! Hugs Carole Z X

  2. These are so pretty, love your fairy images and pretty colors. Thank you for joining us at I &hearts Promarkers this week and good luck xx

  3. I love these images - I can't believe that your ma doesn't just have a standing order for her work cards with you! Loving the card stand as well - fab.


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