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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Sketch + hearts in summer colours...


I saw 2 more challenges that I wanted to try and enter/play this week, but when I started looking at them I decided they would work really well if I combined them...

They are -
CAS-ual Fridays #133 - create a CAS project that uses hearts in Summer colours.

CAS(E) this sketch #84 -

I faffed around for ages trying to decide what to make..then I spied the SSS July card kit stamp set on my desk and an idea was born.

The sending lots of love sentiment is from the stamp set and the hearts are from my stash. The inks are all Studio G (Michael's $1 each), the card blank is from a box of American Crafts everyday solid cards.

This is the first time I have masked off an area and got it to work properly for me - so I am really pleased!

Also as there is no glitter, this card will be going into my OWH box..SCORE!



  1. Oh, this is so sweet! I love your wonderful take on the sketch!

  2. This is darling! LOVE the colors and the fun stamps you used to create this masked wonder! HUGS! :) Mynn xx

  3. Way to go - this is a gloriously cool and cute card!! I love those hearts and the message is sweet!!

  4. Really fun card love the fun heats. Thank you so much for sharing with us at CAS-ual Fridays!

  5. super cute!
    Thanks for joining us at CAS-ual Fridays!

  6. Love your masked off sentiment! Thanks so much for joining the CAS-ual Fridays Challenge!


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