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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

I Heart American Crafts...


So imagine my joy when I saw that the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday challenge DT are using American Crafts products for this weeks Anything Goes challenge.


I love American Crafts and have tons of their stuff crammed into my little craft space.

I made my card last night and I got to utilise some of my weekend Michael's booty..the gorgeous backing paper was part of my haul. It is from the Best of Maggie Holmes collection, I got 60 sheets for $6 - YAY!!

Sample of the paper pack
I decided fun layering was necessary. I punched the heart from AC Dear Lizzy Lucky Charm paper and cut out a piece of Neopolitan paper and stamped it using a Hero Arts stamp. I secured the whole thing together with an AC yo-yo paper clip and mounted it on top of a giant bronze die cut butterfly.


Love this card, so fun and vintagey and summery. I have the perfect couple in mind to receive it too :)



  1. Hi Claire, I think American Crafts is the bees knees when it comes to papers....wowee $6!!!! Fab!! Lol when I come over I cannot get over the deals in Michaels, I take less clothes so I can bring more craft stash back :). love your card, the jar of hearts is so sweet, hugs Carole Z X

  2. Stunning card, Claire! Gorgeous papers and embellishments. Thanks so much for playing along with the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge: Anything Goes!


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