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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Clean & Graphic Hello...


I missed WOYWW yesterday = sad face..I was busy on Tues evening and then really not very well yesterday, so kind of missed my slot..

Anyway lets put a smile on that sad face by entering this week's Card Concept #14 challenge -

Yummy colours.. The Card Concept team are also looking for DT members..amazing opportunity! I did send off my let's see what happens.

I loved Geri Greening's Clean & Graphic inspired my card. I love chunks of colour. I am very happy with my card, I love how the red 'Hello' pops off of the card and the teeny bits of black bling make me smile :)

My die is by SSS, bling from AC Moore and papers by American Crafts.

Oh and did I tell you the most awesome news I've had this week? A Michael's is opening on my fave local shopping street, as of Friday I can walk to MICHAELs..I am super dooper excited..but I don't think my wallet is :)



  1. Morning Claire, sorry you weren't feeling well yesterday, thought it was unlike you to miss WOYWW :(, but hope you are feeling better hun X Love your card, the blocks of colour are teal and all it's variations..very striking, hugs Carole Z XX

    1. Carole you know me too well..I hate missing WOYWW. Cx

  2. You packed a bunch in this wee post, Claire! First of all, sorry to hear you weren't feeling well and I hope you are better now and forever! You card is awesome and perfect for the color challenge and I'm sending you all kinds of positive vibes for the DT appointment! And lastly, I'm happy for you that you can walk to Michael's, but you're right, you're going to have to be vigilant about your budget, however! That place is like crack for most of us!! Hugs, Darnell

  3. This is such a great example of Clean and Graphic, love that great big cheery Hello die cut and the perfectly scattered enamel dots. Thanks for joining us this week at the Card Concept.

  4. So crisp and bold - fabulous! Thanks for joining us at The Card Concept!

  5. Visiting from The Card Concept...this card is so pretty! Loved the black dots!

  6. Fantastic clean and simple design. Thank you so much for sharing with us at the Card Concept!


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