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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

WOYWW #259..My 100th Post this year!!


I am most excited that my 100th post this year falls on the same day as WOYWW (join Julia and the gang on her blog Stamping Ground for more info about WOYWW).

Maintaining a blog is hard work, but made much easier when you have things like WOYWW and all your blogland buddies.

My desk is a bit random at the moment...I am doing a big OWH drive, so you can see some remnants from this - my 'love' stamp folder, newish glasses, scissors, inks, stamp press - with a stamp, mouse and some random stencils.

I am most excited about next week's ATC swap!! I made 12, 2 have homes already so if you want to swap, just leave a comment and we can swap addresses - I am based in NYC and don't mind posting to wherever.

I ran out of time to make a little card for you WOYWWer's..So I thought I would show you the pop-up Anniversary card I made for my President (Terry) to give to his wife for their 30th Anniversary..

Pop-up Card
Each panel was personalised as per Terry's request - aeroplane (travel), heart (love) - the 3rd panel contains a quote relating to food and family. I went for spotty papers, that didn't clash or overpower the rest of the details. The card was cut using a Silhouette template.

I love it, Terry loves it and I believe his wife does too :)

See you for a desk snoop later :)



  1. Holy moly man, that card is immense! I love the details, layers, personalization - it's epic. And when did you get a stamp press??

  2. Happy 100th post this year Claire!!!! Love the card, these pop ups are fun aren't they? Hugs Carole Z X

  3. Thanks ladies! I do love a pop-up card!! Stamp press was a 'gift' to myself about a week ago, as I bought the big one (still by my desk to be returned) and was upset that it was too big :)

  4. The card is amazing, really! Would love to swap ATC's with you. Live in Michigan. Diane #55

  5. Congrats on your 100th post, what a great achievement. Here's to many more!!
    Love that card, so clever the way it's constructed :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 21 xx

  6. Now that is an amazing pop up card and well done for you 100th post.
    Sandra @12

  7. What a lovely anniversary keepsake. She is bound to treasure it. If you're still looking for ATC swappers, just email me with your address and I'll reply with mine. I live in the UK. Have a great week, Chris # 17

  8. Great card, I love the pop-up boxes.
    Have a great week and happy crafting, Angela x 41

  9. Your pop-up anniversary card is a work of art, Claire!! Thank you for sharing it and your crafty desk!! Thank you for visiting me, too, and, yes, I would love to swap ATCs with you if you have enough. I haven't started mine yet, so I'm just making a list so that's easy! Well, I mean, it's easy knowing how many I need, but (gulp) it would be nice if I also came up with an idea of what to make (gulp)!! Enjoy the long weekend!! Hugs, Darnell #29

  10. Very cool pop up card. Seeing a lot of those lately. What a sweet way to say I Love You on an anniversary.
    I'd love to swap with you. KellyH (at) artlover (dot) com for an addy.
    Creative Blessings! Kelly #70

  11. Love your pop up card. And your stamp press looks very useful (I have a large one that requires work to make space for lol). Thanks forv visiting me earlier in the week. #63


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