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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

WOYWW #253...Tidy desk..tidy mind?


Happy WOYWW everyone...

I am happy that it's Wednesday, means only 3 more days before I am off to Montauk for the weekend. Montauk is at the end of America...or so I think :) It is in/on Long Island past the Hamptons I believe. It reminded me of Camber and Hubby and I need a little peace.

Ok, so before we look at my desk..let's talk about WOYWW shall we? WOYWW is hosted by the amazing Julia on her blog Stamping Ground and is the weekly global desk's fun and friendly, so join in the fun.

My desk is VERY tidy this week. It got very messy over the weekend so I had a little tidy..What can you see? Watercolour palette (I'll show you the output next week), the pink thing is my FitBit - its a pedometer and is very clever - too long to explain here, a pack of Silhouette die cuts from this card that I pulled out, as I have an idea! My mouse, my glasses, my pencil and the usual desk type stuff. There is a little stack of Wobbles. These are a lot of fun. I used one on a card for JT and here is a close-up of them.

They were not cheap, but I thought they were fun and they are so no guilt here!

As ever a little card for you WOYWWers - for those of you that nose around my blog on other days, you will have seen it in it's planning phase..

Ice Cream anyone?
The stamp is by Stamposaurus and I am saving it for a July birthday of an Ice-Cream mad friend!

I'll be nosying at your desks after work, after doing my tax return - ugh!


p.s sorry about all the links - but WAY better than an epic post :)


  1. Hi Claire,...oh a lovely clean tidy desk..just between cards. Love the 'Birthday Car' card and matching background paper. Have a great week Cheers RobynO#29

  2. OOh Claire, I wish my desk looked like that at the moment! I'm not going to be WOYWW-ing this week, too much behind with makes to post so they have to go first :) Really great to see your completed creation...did I tell you that I have got that ice cream paper, thank you for reminding me of what collection it's am loving those wobbles and looking forward to seeing those paints in use, hugs Carole Z X

  3. G'day Claire. Happy WOYWW day to you. I'm a returning WOYWW after almost a years break. Oh goodness I too wish my desk was that clear...I may ven be more productive LOL. Lovely card you have made too
    Annette In Oz #23

  4. The stamps are so cute and that card is fabulous. The colours are perfect, they make me think of ice cream.
    Have a great weekend away.
    Von #53

  5. Your card is so sweet and love the wobbles..
    Happy WOYWW
    Sandy :) #44

  6. Love your card. tidy desk might be tidy mind but my mind certainly isn't tidy as it's always buzzing with ideas. I always say that people who don't make mess don't make anything! Tee, hee!
    Jo x

  7. Oh I love the ice cream van card..lots of colouring, what a labour of love! Tour desk is spiffing tidy, good grief,,but I guess if you're off to Montauk....a well deserved break dear gal. Enjoy.

  8. What a spiffy clean desk, is everything packed for your trip? That is how I leave Betsy when I'm going to be away for awhile.
    Hope you enjoy your trip.
    Krisha #17

  9. Ah, adorable card, Claire! Your ice-cream loving friend will keep it always!! I, of course, am swooning over your neat desk! Have a wonderful weekend away with your DH!! Hugs, Darnell

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Tidy is as tidy does! First time I have visited, so I'll have an extended snoop!
    robyn 5

  12. Just jumped back to say that sting ray thing is my ottlite. Bought it for DH and he didn't like it, so it went onto Betsy. Now I don't know what I would do with out two ottlits.

  13. I've mentioned this in other comments on other blogs, but I will say again, I keep finding myself fascinated by people's storage solutions. I love your marker storage! and your propensity for hexagons :D

  14. Congrats on your tidy desk, and I love the ice cream card. Have a great time away, and come back rested and restored, to get stuck into crafting again. Hugs, Chris #35

  15. I'm new to WOYWW but I'm in LOVE with the awesome creativity and all the nice people. THEN, I see your page. I struck gold. HOORAY! I love love your cards. You have a unique design that is really beautiful. I would love to feature you on, if you are up for it? Check out the site and let me know if you're interested. Thanks for sharing your beautiful (clean) work space.


  16. I've not heard of those but they look real cute! Gorgeous card too and perfect ice-cream colours. #60something


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