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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Moving Along With The Times...a Sketch


Time for Team B again over at MAWTT..

This time it is the turn of Red and she has asked us to use one of her first card - which she considers ugly as our inspiration.

Here's the card - 

Red's Ugly Card
Ok, so its a little bland, but I have seen worse :) Red has also asked us to show our first card or an ugly one..

So here is a card of mine from the early days (circa 2011) that I consider to be quite hideous..

My Ugly Card
So whilst the image on this card is nice, I am not sure what I was thinking with the weird background paper..nothing is straight! The centre is image is just shoved on and the background paper isn't even on each side..hideous! I believe I have made worse before this, but this one offends me as I had the cheek to blog about it!

So the main photo today is my interpretation of Red's card / sketch. I think everyone knows that I love a Robot themed card... So when I saw the sketch, I knew I had to use the Recollections Monsters and Robots stack - I used 2 of the papers from the stack and I punched the centre circle using the same paper. The cute little robot was cut using my Silhouette portrait, I added googly eyes for fun and some bling to his nodules(?!) and punched a little birthday sentiment.

The sketch was fun to work with and I think it will get used again.

I hope you are inspired to join in the fun, pop over to MAWTT and check out the other fab interpretations..don't forget to visit the blogs of the DT, so you can see their 'ugly' card.



  1. You really made me laugh when you said you 'even had the cheek to blog about it'. I often think that about some of mine. Anyway the card for this challenge is brilliant fun, love the image and the colours. Hazel L. x

  2. I have to dig out some of my early cards...because that one you've shown is leaps and bounds ahead of my early stuff! I love that robot cut-out, he is great. And you totally love monsters and robots, great use of those papers x

  3. What a great card. Love that paper and the little robot :D

    Susan xx

  4. Ah the new card is adorable, what a cute image and love the backing papers. Bless its good to look back and see how far we have come!! Your first card is a lot like my first ones! Love Hazelxx

  5. Aww such a cute Robot Claire… he's adorable with his googly eyes… fab papers too!
    I am the same looking back at my early cards (and some recent ones LOL) - I think what was I thinking with that layout, colour combo etc. I think I've still got lots of room for improvement!
    Hope you are well
    Big hugs Sue B xx

  6. Great fun card Claire.
    Carole xXx

  7. So fun, Claire! I remember when Susanne Dahlberg did that on April Fool's Day a couple of years ago and I played along on my blog. I was even thinking or redoing it again this year, but it's too late for April Fool's now. We all do have "those" cards, don't we? Good to catch up with you! I haven't had time to play in WOYWW. Hope all is well! Have a great weekend! Hugs, Darnell

  8. Your card is sooo cute Claire, I love that little Robot and the fun googly eyes! I think your earlier card is fab too, great colors! Also, you wanted to know... my scalloped die is from Spellbinders (Big Scalloped Circles).
    Tammy x

  9. Hi Claire, what a fun card! Love your earlier card too..sorry I've been awol a few days(not been a good week), but just had a look at you super WOYWW post too..I must get back into that next week, it's been ages! Hugs Carole Z X


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