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Monday, February 24, 2014

A big heart...


I am still in no challenges mode, which is quite nice, as I am finishing off some things for my Ma, packing for the trip home and having a general play with my stash!

The main card today is an Anniversary card for my friends. It was actually going to be slightly different, but I stumbled across some of the Pink Petticoat sentiment ribbons and it became what you see today :)

I love the wood backing paper and the heart strip is glittery and part of my precious Hippie Chick papers by DCWV. The heart came from Paper Presentation here in NYC, they are normally extravagantly expensive, but they had a sale on a while back and I acquired these brown ones and some green ones.

I'm a bit disappointed with my photo - but I have a new lamp in the craft room and I am still adjusting to the light settings...

Have a good day.


1 comment:

  1. A super card Claire, love the background paper..your friends will love it! Hugs Carole Z X


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