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Sunday, November 3, 2013

Day off = solo playdate...

So I had the day off on Friday and spent a couple of hours having a solo playdate!

I got through a lot of my November needs (personal birthdays, etc), more 40 for 40 and then decided that it was challenge time.

I stumbled across CAS(E) This Sketch #52 when I was looking at someone else's blog..I love this week's sketch -

I decided it would be fun to combine it with Colour Throwdown #266.

I think my card has turned out pretty sweet - the colours and the sketch go really well together.

How does it all fit?

Old Olive = my backing paper by American Crafts
Close to Cocoa = scallop punch heart (punch by Woodware, paper by American Crafts)
Blushing Bride = button from my stash
Cherry Cobbler = paper twine and glittery strip both from my stash

The sentiment is a bit of a hybrid of Blushing Bride and Cherry Cobbler.

I am pleased that I have just the right person to send this little beauty to!

Today I am off to see an NFL game this afternoon with my neighbour Dr Kevin and the in-laws, unfortunately Hubby has to work :(



  1. Love you heart sentiment. Really pretty card. Thanks for playing along with us in the CAS(E) this sketch! challenge and hope to see you again.

  2. Oh, so pretty! Great take on the sketch!

  3. I know I am way behind on comments but this is fab. Love the color combo (been using that site a lot!) and sketch is great, totallt us :-)

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