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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Finding lost things..

Hey there,

I really liked Retro Sketches #87 this week -

Infact, I had it all planned out in my head on the way home last night...but once I had made the card, it didn't really work with the flower I had in mind.

So I had a rummage through my embellishment box and found a pack of skeleton leaves that I thought I'd lost!

I think they work really well here, they are so delicate I could never think of a suitable use for them. Here is a close-up of them, they really are beautiful, by Papermania and I bought them on my last visit to JT's local craft store.

RS#87 Skeleton Leaf close-up
I also used flowery paper by American Crafts, brown patterned paper is by DCWV, pink paper from my stash and my faithful Candies. The stamp was also a rediscovered gem - part of the Birdsong set by Papermania.

If you look too close you can see an oops at the top of the card, nothing major, but still an oops.

I should also mention that I got a Retro Sketches Shout-out for my entry to RS #85 - hence the shiny new badge on my lovely is that.


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