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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

WOYWW 223 - Looking back...

Hey everyone - yes it is that time of the week where we join Julia and the gang over at Stamping Ground for the global desk nosy..pop on over and see what I am taking about.

I decided to go back in time this week and show you a photo of my desk that I took on 21st Aug, as I was leaving for work I realised that there were all kinds of non-craft related stuff there and it made me laugh so I took the photo to share with you. You can see nail polish, from an emergency pre-work repair, a coffee cup, my notepad (the pink thing, it goes EVERYWHERE with me), my phone, a card, my glasses and the usual craft mess...

It made me laugh as I normally do not use my craft desk for this kind of randomness! Or maybe I do, but just never notice?!

x2 more photos for you - well they are actually for Maisie Moonshine, because she spied my beautiful pin cushion on my desk last week and I promised her pics. It was made several years ago for my birthday by my Australian friend Jade. She is very talented and this is a treasured item for me.

Happy WOYWW everyone - I'm off to have a nosy at desks now.


p.s don't forget I am doing 40 cards for email me your postal address and I'll send you a card :)


  1. I had to giggle when I read your post....My table can be covered in laundry...waiting to be folded. I love the big tables in there to fold clothes on. But, when that happens, no crafting is going on!

  2. Our work desks get used for lots of things, I sleep on mine (it's on my bed, not a table really!). Cute little pin cushion! Happy WOYWW! ♥ Karen ♥ 81 x

  3. Any debris on mine is caused by Ellie or hubby if he's working from home. I always leave it tidy as I can't work if it's messy.
    Have emailed you this morning.

    1. Yay! Welcome back Alison...thanks for the email, will reply when I get to work!! A card will be with you before Christmas :)

  4. Happy WOYWW! Cute pin cushion
    -Tera #3

  5. Cute pin cushion. I'm also lusting after the essie nail varnish! :)
    Thanks for stopping by
    Laura 81

  6. Hi Claire - thank you so much for remembering to post your gorgeous pincushion for me - I meant to take a photo of my tiki birdhouse but I was having such a bad start to my crafting day that I forgot. I'll try and remember next week.

    I can see why this is a precious gift, a sweet souvenir of a kind friend as well as a colourful mini work of art. LOVE it! Thank you for sharing and yes it did make me smile! Hugs MMx #76

  7. Gorgeous pin cushion, Claire. Have a great week. Helen 19

  8. Ooo I love that pin cushion!! Mine is a boring green one . . . Need to make a new one :) Lx

  9. At some point I got out of the habit of dropping random things on my crafting desk, but before that no telling what you would find on there. Now we use a little table at the end of the couch for dumping random things. It is smaller than my desk so we can't toss as much on it. Good thing! Adorable little pincushion!

  10. That is an adorable pin cushion, Claire! TFS! And I love the color of the polish! Happy WOYWW and thanks for coming to visit me earlier! Have a wonderful couple of weeks! Darnell #24

  11. ove desk is not conveniently located within the house to be used like that...or that was my theory. it's constantly having stuff put and left on it for my attention, and is the first place I look for my phone! my current go everywhere notebook is blue. Otherwise no difference between us...does your daughter and husband despair at you because you use a notebook and pen instead of your phone????

  12. Great idea for your pincushion! Love the bright, fun colours.

  13. Looks like mine with random bits on it! Cute pincushion!

  14. Nifty pin cushion! I was chuckling at a comment above about your use of one n paper for notes and schedule. Tehe have a wonderful weekend. Happy WOYWW! Nan G #92


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