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Monday, September 9, 2013

Another win thanks to Hubby...

Well not quite, but I did get Spotlight of the Week over on the KennyK Challenge blog!! Once again I won something with a card I made for Hubby..I think he might be a lucky charm. I got 1 KennyK digi and I chose Fashionista, can't wait to use her!

My main photo today is another card that was made during my remote playdate with JT on Sunday..

I am using it as my entry for the Designed to Color Challenge #19 - Anything Goes. Rules are simple you have to use a coloured image to enter.

I used a Flower Jar stamp by Bugaboo Stamps. I used the following Promarkers to colour the image -
Moss = leaves
Frosted Leaf = stems
Grey Squirrel = centre of the flowers
Pink Mittens, Tropical Orchid and Pink Carnation = flowers
Tropical Orchid and Morning Mist = jar label

JT and I used the recipe idea so - x3 papers, x3 embellishments, x1 sentiment and x1 coloured image. It is really easy and makes for fun cards.

I like the mix of papers I used here and I think the little bit of ribbon across the middle helps.

You will notice that I am watermarking my images now...I am trying to remember to do this every time, but I do forget. I have been fortunate enough to have a lot of repins of my work on Pinterest and I really wanted to discourage people from just randomly using my imagery, so have been attempting to watermark them so people know that it belongs to someone!

This makes me sound a bit mean! It's more to discourage the people that use my image and don't credit me! I always credit my sources, suppliers, blogs I use as inspiration etc and think it's only fair that others do the same.



  1. Love the paper in the background and the ribbon over the middle strip. It adds so much for such a simple treatment. Dare I say that's an extra embellishment...? :-P

  2. Pretty card, fun colour combo! Thanks for joining us at DTC!


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