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Thursday, July 11, 2013


I saw this stamp (it's by Inkadinkadoo - of their many mini stamps) in my online Cards magazine and have wanted it for ages...bought it in a sale and then when it arrived I was a bit stuck re: how to use it :(

Then I saw this week's Retro Sketches challenge and a lightbulb came on. Here is the sketch -
Retro sketches #71
The main photo is my card. I had originally planned on this being a 5x7 card, but it felt too big. I used a sheet of kraft card, both patterned papers are by My Minds Eye and the button and paper twine are from my stash.

I love this card, I think the stamp works well, although the 'e' in smile is a bit smudged and I think that's for 2 reasons - overinking...naughty me and because the paper is a bit textured.

Work has gone well and Hubby will be home tomorrow, so all is well.

And a massive thanks again to all the lovely WOYWW ladies for wishing me luck for my first day.



  1. Pleased your first day went well, love the card,
    Rosie x

  2. Claire, I missed your starting work. I hope it went well and that you enjoy it. Like Working Girl I have visions of you with your suit and trainers with high heels in your bag!!! (Now I'm showing my age! )

    Great card today, I need to get back to it. Life is interfering again.

    1. Hi Alison, good to hear from you, I do indeed have my heels in my bag :) Cx

  3. That image is perfect for the sketch!! AWESOME card!! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥


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