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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I love playdates!

Saturday's playdate with JT was lots of fun, as you might have seen from her blog.

The main photo is one of my fave from the day and the one I am entering into the Simon Say's Stamp challenge this week - Anything Goes. I really like this card. I feel like I channeled my inner Mary Fish with this one! I used free paper for the background, scrap for the navy blue strip, JT's star punch and cool pearly / glue dot style things. The label dies are JT's and the sentiment was made using my new 3Dumb font from Fontsquirrel. Here is a close-up.

We made so many great things. I used lots of JT's tools :) so here are a few that mainly feature JT's stuff..that is the best bit of a playdate, playing with someone else's tools.

Birdy says..Just Because
This card is from JT's stash and her coral paper's co-ordinated beautifully with it. The label die and stamp belong to JT too.

Pink Cameo
JT bought these cute Xcut cameo's die's last weekend when we were together, so we had a little play, along with her new label die's by Sizzix. We both wanted a Nana's wallpaper feel to the cards - these free papers work well. I layed up the die cut's using foam tape for more depth, here is a close-up.

I am loving layering right now. Here is another card using layering - my 3rd one this post :) I managed to use my own bicycle stamp/die set and tag punch..

Bicycle birthday
This final card is one of my fave's and uses none of JT's kit surprisingly!! I used a nice plain piece of card, with a hand drawn border, the butterfly clothespin is from the Range and the Hello! arrow was made once again using the 3Dumb font from Fontsquirrel and a die cut arrow.

Hello Butterfly
There are a couple more cards, but I'm thinking they might be challenge worthy, so keeping them up my sleeve :)

Playdate's totally rock, I do hope you all have someone to playdate with.



  1. My oh my, you both had a busy playdate this week didn't you.
    The cards are fantastic.
    I love the birdie and the cameo.
    Thanks for dropping by today.
    Just to let you know, Dad was fine at hospital getting transferred to Respiratory medicine, so back again Friday and again Monday next week. They don't seem too worried so we are not worrying yet!

  2. Fabulous selection of CAS cards, love that pretty butterfly and, well done you for using free paper I am terrible and always forget it.
    Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp
    hugs Mandy xx


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