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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

WOYWW 188 - 9th Jan 2013

Yay! I love WOYWW. Happy Wednesday everyone.

Once again I took my photo on a Tues night, as I have to leave too early in the morning to take the photo and get the post out.

Just incase you don't know what WOYWW is, it stands for What's on Your Workstation Wednesday and is the brainchild of the awesome Julia over at Stamping Ground.

So what is on my workstation...

A stack of Pink Petticoat papers that I have printed out to make some cards for my work colleague Katie - as a leaving gift from me. You can see the cards that I am making for her in various stages - one is finished, another is semi-assembled and there are a couple near the front where I am still playing with ideas. You can just see my new paper trimmer in the right hand corner - finally got round to getting this ordered, no more frayed edges for me! The massive pile of buttons is there because I like to tip them out and shift through them when working - it inspires me. I am working with the Papermania Big Blossoms right now, as I love them. Behind the card that is finished is a stack of ribbons and twine, some are new and some I got out to encourage me to use them. The little green box is a Dymo tape that I just bought for the machine Hubby 'found' in the loft before Christmas. JT's butterfly punch is there, as it's on loan so I can punch a batch of butterflies before I leave..Oh and there are 2 new tacky glues that I want to try - one is clear and the other is white and dries super fast (apparently) - obviously following the UHU  incident I am a little bit nervous about new glue.

I am looking forward to getting home tonight and making a few more of the cards that are on my desk. Katie mentioned that she is loving Spring colours right now, so all the papers are Spring oriented.



  1. Lovely cards! I adore the large flowers. I sympathise with your dislike for UHU glue - I have never found a way to get it to work easily! Happy WOYWW Laura #55 xxx

  2. Love the cards and buttons.

    I am new to WOYWW and friends with Sandee. Hope you have a chance to check out my blog and desk.
    Lori #81

  3. Hi Claire, lovely cards.

    The boxes on my desk are full of buttons of different colours shapes and sizes. The little handles are colour co-ordinated beads or buttons on long brads as I was driving myself crazy by continually opening the wrong boxes!!
    They are from The boxes come flat packed with the buttons.

    Thanks for stopping by,
    Happy WOYWW,

    1. Thanks Laura, I have my buttons in teeny tiny really useful boxes, but I think these will be handy for other embellishments. Cx

  4. Thanks for all the lovely comments - so glad you like the cards. Cx

  5. Hi
    This is my first time at WOYWW and I hope you don't mind me looking around your blog while I am here.

    1. Not at all Ria! Happy WOYWW! I always have a poke around the blogs that I come across, I think that's why it's so much fun, you get to 'meet' people you wouldn't normally. Cx

  6. OH, I LOVE my Dymo Label maker! I had one that I discovered from gosh knows what eon ago, but I used it so much it finally broke, thankfully they still make them so I was able to replace it! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

    1. Waving Hi back to you Sandee! I am so pleased with the Dymo - especially as it was free.

  7. So organized an productive. Colors make me yearn for spring.

  8. Those cards are really cute :) Great job! Happy WOYWW!

    Apryl #9

  9. Pretty cards!! I adore buttons!

    Happy Crafting!
    Jeannie #60

  10. The cards are really pretty and I think is a very thoughtful gift. Your desk looks very tidy and organised.
    Happy belated WOYWW!
    Tertia 17

  11. I love adding buttons to things those are going to be some beautiful cards!


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