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Sunday, December 23, 2012

A heart shaped challenge

So JT pointed me in the direction of this weeks's Mojo Sketch (Mojo 272) as she thought it would be a great use of my Woodware Scalloped heart punch.

She was totally right! So yesterday, despite being full of cold and prepping for a house full of guests today, I made the card that is today's main photo.

I am really happy with it and will use it for one of my January birthday's.

It's a great use of the punch and some rather fussy papers I had kicking around and I got to use the spotty paper tape - always need a reason to use paper tape. I like the addition of the bow (gift from JT) and think it's a good match to the sketch. Here's a close-up..

I also managed to have a little play with some of the new toys I bought (naughty, naughty, but it is gift for you and 2 gifts for me...).

So one of the new toys is a set of Spellbinders dress dies and I used them to make a set of gorgeous cards, using Papermania London Line papers, ribbons and bows - the bows were a gift from JT. I like the ribbon waistband, I might have to try this with paper tape..

The best bit about these cards is the sentiment..I made it using my 'new' Dymo label printer. I mentioned to Hubby that I was planning on buying a Dymo with my Christmas vouchers and he casually mentioned that there was one in the loft already, with a load of!

Joy! free tools that are already in the house, no need to wait for them to arrive.

I am looking forward to using this die in lots of different ways.

Merry Christmas (again)



  1. SO cute little paper that is behind the dress forms, it's like the Union Jack but also like little wrapped present hearts - does that make sense lol :)

    Visiting from Mojo Monday Challenge
    xo, Kristina
    Would love for you to visit me too <3

    1. Hi Kristen, thanks for your comment. I love the Union Jack hearts too and yes I agree they do look a bit like heart shaped presents. Visited your blog, loved the candies card. Happy Christmas. Cx

  2. Love the challenge card! Thanks for my set of dress cards as well :) x


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