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Thursday, June 14, 2012

New York, New York....


Well, Hubby and I had lots of fun in NYC, hanging out, watching bball, eating food, getting drunk, doing a small bit of sight seeing and shopping.

The shopping part was much fun and I particularly enjoyed my visit to Michael's - I bought a lot of new items for my stash. The best part was the purchasing of items for the $20 craft challenge that JT and I did - I will show you later in the week, what I made with her purchases for me.

I thought quite a bit about what would be good for JT and ended up buying her lots of papers (as I knew she had a limited weight allowance), inks, stamps, a Martha Stewart glue pen (the best there is) and a few other random goodies. She was very pleased and I think she'll be blogging about what she has made with them later on in the week too.

I am looking forward to doing the craft challenge again, it was fun and made me focus in the store!

Lots of things have happened upon our return, some good, some bad, but I'll tell you more about that in a couple of weeks.

Today's main picture was taken by me on the Brooklyn Bridge during our walk across it on a very sunny Saturday morning.


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