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Friday, February 25, 2011

Let's Eat Cake.

It's Friday, this means I have only 1 week left in my current job and I am starting to get a bit sad about leaving my friends.

It also means that on my 'pod' we will be eating excessive amounts of bad stuff!

The big news in my world is that I bought a new camera, I am sad to be parting with "The Beast" but it is time to move up to a full dslr. The new Beast arrives today, which is very exciting - I don't have any lenses for him yet, so I guess I'll be spending the weekend trawling the internet for good deals!

Today's pic is something I put together for 2 challenges.

Polka Doodles - week 7 Chocolate

Cupcake Crafts - Cupcake 130....Cake 'n' Ice Cream

Making this card gave me the excuse to buy some new cake digital stamps from Pink Petticoat and I have had fun colouring and glittering them. I have no idea where the backing paper came from! The ribbon was on a gift I was given and I used peel offs for the sentiment.

I am pleased with the card and I am looking forward to making more cards using my lovely new cake stamps.

This weekend is going to be a quiet one. Hubby and I are off out tonight for a fancy meal to celebrate all the recent good news and on Sunday his cousin and his girlfriend are coming to stay before heading home to Bulgaria.

Have a good weekend, I'll be back tomorrow - I have another card all lined up for the Mojo Monday challenge.



  1. Hi Claire, what a gorgeous card. I love the image and papers you've used. Thanks for joining us at cupcake craft challenge this week. Hugs, Denise x

  2. Super cute! I love the cake. Thanks for joining us at Polka Doodles.

  3. Beautiful card, so sweet! Thanks for joining us at Polka Doodles and good luck!

    Saskia :)

  4. Thank you for joining us at Cupcake Craft this week with such a great card ! Love those colours !

  5. Great cake image and the colours are yummy, glad you could join us at Polkadoodles this week, good luck! Colette xx

  6. A really lovely card and great colours.
    Thanks for joining in with Polka Doodles Chocolat challenge and good luck!

  7. Gorgeous card. Thanks for taking part in the Polka Doodles challenge

  8. Thanks for entering the Polkadoodle Challenge - hope you can join us again next week!


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