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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Eventful Week!

So, with the birth of baby Otis and my new job!! Yes, I have a new job!! It has been an eventful and really nice week.

Hubby and I went and saw Otis, he is gorgeous, we are totally smitten. The whole family seem to be well, even though they are tired, they seem to be taking to parenthood very well. Obviously, we took him some Ham 'n' Mule originals, so he is a stylish baby too!! I also hung out with the girls last night, haven't seen them in a while, so that was fun. To round off our nice week, Hubby and I are off to visit friends in Berkhamsted today.

There were a few challenges I wanted to enter this week, but with all the things that have been going on, I haven't really done that much crafting, so I dedicated this morning to a couple of challenges and today's pic is the first one.

This is for Corrosive Challenges #103 - you get the chance to be a DT too, how exciting! Here is their sketch and today's pic is my card.

 I decided to turn the sketch around and make my card landscape, I used Canford card, 2 peas in a bucket digital stamps and papers, Martha Stewart zig zag punch, Hero Arts 'Hello!'stamp, Colour Box Peony ink, Stickles glitter glue, adhesive gems, Amethyst and Bluebell promarkers.

I am very happy with this card, I think it works really well and I think I will send it to my friend Liz in New Zealand.

Happy Saturday to you, see you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. great card! thanks for joining the corrosive challenge and trying out for the DT!!


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