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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

All work and no play!

Ok, so I am moaning a LOT right now, way too busy at work - can't think straight! Also Hubby is sick and he very rarely gets sick, so I am keeping an eye on him, as he is not very good at just resting!

Fortunately, despite the challenging work / life balance, I am still finding time to craft. It's keeping me sane and stopping me from murdering someone!!  

I've also been indulging in some internet shopping!! I have been hand colouring a lot lately and I am getting ready to finish the Valentine's cards I have been making and I realised that I need more Promarker colours, so I bought 20 new pens! Yay! Can't wait for them to arrive.

I have also bought some beautiful papers and stamps from Pink Petticoat - Liz the lady that runs the company is lovely, very helpful - even when I get myself all confused!! 

I decided to enter this weeks Do You Stack Up Challenge - #3 Think Pink.

My card is pretty simple as you can see, but I love it! I generally make simple cards and I have been trying to be a bit more complexl with my cards when entering challenges, but I haven't been 100% comfortable doing that! So I decided that if I am going to enter challenges, I will stick with my style!

To make the card, I used some papers that my friend Adrian made me as a gift and I glittered the pink spots with Stickles glitter glue, the border strip was made using an X-Cut scallop punch and the bird stamp and happy birthday are by Hero Arts. I have wanted to use the metallic papers I have for ages, but they kept tearing when I cut them! Now I have an X-cut freehand circular cutter, which is fantastic, it cuts through pretty much anything smoothly!

I better go! Work to do.



  1. Very cute, thanks for joining us at Do You Stack Up.


  2. very cute and stylish too
    thanks for joining the DYSU challenge this week


  3. hello :) i am a big cas fan and your card is absolutely lovely! thanks so much for joining us at DYSU! janna

  4. Claire,
    I have a blog award for you! :) Love your creations! Keep it up!


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