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Monday, August 9, 2010

Cards are king!

Well, Saturday's craft market went well, it started really slow and I was a bit worried, but it came good in the end.

The best thing about the market was learning so much! I have a few things to work on  -
  • my display - needs to be a bit more professional, I need to buy racks for the cards and something to display the brooches and scarves better
  • my table covering - I think it needs to be a really beautiful piece of fabric or a really bold colour and I should have a Christmassy one
  • sewing - so I've mastered the brooches and scarves, now it's time to look at cushions and other soft furnishings
There are a few other things for me to consider, but those are the main ones.

Today's pic is of one of the cards I sold. On Saturday cards were the big sellers. I didn't expect that and I am really chuffed to bits. I think the 3 for £5 deal on the cards really works. Also, I got lots of compliments about my card designs and some great feedback on what people are looking for. This is really helpful, as I often work a bit 'blind' to what people might need, I mean I have a loose idea, but it's nice to have that cemented and to have new things to consider.

All in all, it was well worth it - I got to hang with my friends and their baby, met some cool people at the craft market, sold some of my stock, made some money and learnt some stuff.

Now, it's time to sit down and plan for the Leicester Christmas Market at the end of November.



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